Le redki bodo razumeli zakaj je pes srečen, ko hodi ob vodniku željan izpolniti njegov sleherni ukaz. A samo tisti bodo razumeli tudi kaj pomeni voditi psa, ki hodi od tebi tako sproščeno in veselo, da preprosto čutiš kako njegova energija polni tudi tebe.
Only a few will
understand why a dog can be happy when walking along his handler eager to
fulfilll his every command. But only those will also understand the energy one
gets from handling a dog so relaxed and so cheerful.
Tak odnos med vodnikom in psom je osnova kinologije in je plod pravilno nastavljenih temeljev sistema dela, ki ga je psu že kot mladičku potrebno razložiti. Najpomembnejši čas za pravilno vzgojo vašega ljubljenčka je torej že od rane mladosti do enega leta. Vse te osnove je potem potrebno samo nadgrajevati in tako izpiliti vsak delček poslušnosti. S takimi temelji se lahko vodnik in pes lotita športne kinologije.
In cynology an honest relationship between a handler
and a dog is indispensable and is a result of correctly set bases of systematic
approach to dog training. It is very important to teach this bases to a puppy
from a very early age. After that one only needs to maintain, upgrade and refine dog's obedience and for
mentioned relationship. Only now the couple is ready to begin training for
competing in canine sports.
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A poleg pravega psa in vodnika potrebuješ za doseganje vrhunskih rezultatov v tem športu še dobrega trenerja, markerja - dobrega vodjo. Torej dobro povezano ekipo, ki te spodbuja in ti pomaga, ko zmanjka motivacije in ko gre kaj narobe. In potrebuješ cilj, ki te pelje naprej čez ovire. Delo, nešteto ur treninga, motivacija, trud in močna ekipa je tisto, kar krasi vrhunske športne kinologe in njihove nepogrešljive spremljevalce - pse.
But in addition to the right dog and the right
handler, in order to achieve
the best results, the couple needs an excellent coach,
trial helper - a leader. One needs a coherent team
that will encourage and help him. And he needs a goal that will lead him over all
the obstacles in his way. Hard work,
countless hours of training,
motivation, effort and a strong team - that is what a handler
and his dog need in order to achieve the best results.
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Tako kot v tujini velja še danes, je imela pri nas športna kinologija nekoč bogato tradicijo. Moja ekipa želi svoje znanje in trud pokazati širši publiki, saj si želimo, da ta šport spet najde svoje mesto tudi v Sloveniji. Zato smo se odločili, da bomo svoje treninge, razmišljanja, foto in video utrinke, včasih pa tudi zabavo, z vami delili na spletu. Vse somišljenike, pa tudi tiste, ki boste to morda šele postali, vabim, da nas spremljate na našem blogu. Za konec pa vam sporočam še to: pogumno, pametno in uspelo vam bo!
Europe has a proud canine sport tradition as well as Slovenia had years ago. My team wants to present itself to a wider audience and help dog sport to find its place in our culture again. Therefore we decided to share our trainings, thoughts, photo and video highlights and sometimes even fun online. I invite all our supporters and those who might just become one to follow our blog. And just a thought for the end: work smart, be brave and you will succeed!
Europe has a proud canine sport tradition as well as Slovenia had years ago. My team wants to present itself to a wider audience and help dog sport to find its place in our culture again. Therefore we decided to share our trainings, thoughts, photo and video highlights and sometimes even fun online. I invite all our supporters and those who might just become one to follow our blog. And just a thought for the end: work smart, be brave and you will succeed!
Zdravko Pečnik
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