četrtek, 14. junij 2012

Hiša strahov / The House of Fear

Tokrat hiša strahov, kakor jo v šali imenujem. Velikokrat se na treningih poslužujem različnih nepričakovanih situacij, ki pse spravljajo pod povečan pritisk in obremenitve v različnih objektih z motečimi rekviziti in ovirami, ki jih morajo psi premagati, da pridejo do markerja oz. do nagrade. Tako preizkusim njihov pogum, odziv na stresne situacije, jim dvigujem nagone, učim kako postati močnejši, hrabrejši, bolj drzni in jim s tem dvigujem samozavest. Obenem pse postavljam v večjo disciplino, vodnike pa v situacije, ki jih učijo voditi psa s tako močno željo, ga ohranjati vodljivega ne glede na okoliščine in tako poiskati ravnotežje med nagoni in disciplino. S takimi treningi pripravljam pse za različne preizkuse, ki jih organizirajo pasemske komisije, hkrati pa popestrim trening, da moji ekipi nikoli ni dolgčas.

This time it was all about the house of fear as I joke about it sometimes. For training purposes, in order to create unexpected and stressful situations for dogs, I often make use of various facilities with intrusive requisites and obstacles, that must be overcome in order to reach a trial helper or an award. This way I test the dog's courage and response to stress, teach it to become more powerful, persistent and courageous and thereby increase its self-esteem. At the same time I put dogs under greater discipline and handlers in situations, that will teach them how to handle a dog with such strong drives, how to keep it obedient regardless of the circumstances and thus finding the right balance between drives and discipline. With such trainings I keep handlers and their dogs prepared for various tests, organized by breed standard commissions and at the same time spice up our practice so my team never gets bored.

Zdravko Pečnik

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