sobota, 8. september 2012

… na prvi pogled / … At First Sight

Tokrat si bom za spremembo dovolila napisati zelo osebno zgodbo, ker menim, da so mnoge zgodbe o kinoloških začetkih prav takšne. Osebne, kot je oseben uvodnik našega bloga, ki na najboljši možen način povzema mojo, mogoče bolje rečeno našo zgodbo. Našo zato, ker je to zgodba o meni, moji družini, o mojem prvem psu, o tem ki ga šolam zdaj in o tistem, ki se je popolnoma nepričakovano z menoj pripeljal iz Poljske.

This time I'll dare to wirte a very personal story because I belive that many stories about cynology beginnings are just like that. As personal as an editorial in our blog, which in the best possible way summarizes my or rather our story. Ours because it's a story about me, my family, my first dog, the one that I'm training now and the one that I unexpectedly brought back from Poland.

O našem potovanju na Poljsko bom več povedala naslednjič. Tokrat samo toliko, kolikor je potrebno za razumevanje današnjega bloga. Na pot smo se odpravili Tatjana, Zdravko in jaz. Onadva zaradi nakupa psa, jaz kar tako, da se naučim česa novega o psih, da spoznam nove ljudi… in malo za družbo. Naš cilj je bila psarna Marshall Dogs, kjer se je pred dobrima dvema mesecema psici Bijou Olbramovický Kvítek skotilo 7 mladičkov. Med njimi sta bila takrat še neizbrana Coca (zdaj Cynna) in Celt. Tatjana je tam rezervirala psico predvsem zaradi očeta mladičkov – Arrack's Home Kamatz-a. Za enkrat se je odločitev izkazala za odlično, a več o tem naslednjič.

I'll tell more about our trip to Poland next time. This time, only as much as necessary for understanding of today's blog. So we went on our way. Tatjana and Zdravko for the purchase of a dog and I just like that, to learn new things about dogs, to meet new people... and for company. Our goal was Marshall Dogs kennel, where just over two months ago 7 puppies were born to a bith Bijou Olbramovický Kvítek. Among them were at that time still unchosen Coca (now Cynna) and Celt. Tatjana reserved a female puppy at Marshall Dogs' mainly because of the father of the puppies - Arrack's Home Kamatz. For now, it turned out to be an excellent choice, but more about that next time.

Vrnimo se k uvodniku. Govorim o besedilu čisto na vrhu bloga, ki pravi tako: "Začne se s preprosto otroško željo - imeti psa...". In tako je se začelo tudi pri meni. Odkar pomnim, sem si želela psa in ga pri enajstih letih, po dolgem pregovarjanju z mamo, končno dobila. Seveda ni bil moj. Bil je družinski pes, zlati prinašalec Ren. Precej podobna zgodba se je ponovila dve leti po smrti takrat skoraj 14-letnega Rena. Oba z bratom sva že zdavnaj odšla od doma in oče je po dolgem pregovarjanju z mamo kupil hovawarta Garnyja. Da ne bo pomote, mama ima rada pse. Ampak ker je pač mama, jo vedno skrbi odgovornost, ki pride z mladičkom in ostane do zadnjega dne, brez izjeme in ne glede na počitnice. Njo vedno osvojijo šele s tistim pogledom. Saj veste, z rahlo nagnjeno glavo in dvignjenimi uhlji: "Kdo si pa ti?"

Back to the editorial. I'm talking about the text at the very top of the blog that says: " It begins with a simple children's desire - having a dog...". And so it began with me. Ever since I can remember, I always wanted a dog and at the age of eleven, after a long persuasion of my mom, I finally got it. It wasn't mine. It was a family dog, a golden retriever Ren. Quite similar story was repeated two years after the death of then almost 14-year-old Ren. My brother and I had long since left home and after a long persuasion of our mom, our father bought a hovawart Garny. To make it clear, my mom loves dogs. But because she is a mother, she always worries about responsibility that comes with the puppy and remains there until the last day, no exceptions and regardless of holidays. But she always falls for them after that look. You know, with a slightly tilted head and raised ears: "Who are you?"

Potem je oče zbolel in Garny je pri letu in pol postal moj kuža. Do takrat ni bil deležen česa drugega kot razvajanja, zato se je bilo vzgoje in šolanja potrebno lotiti zares. In ker sva po dveh mesecih spoznavanja, borb in truda na treningih pri Zdravku oba s psom začela zares uživati, danes ponosno pišem ta blog. Zgodbo, ki me je pripeljala do Poljske, do tega, kar pravzaprav želim povedati.

Because of my father's illnes Garny became my dog at the age of one and a half years. Until then he had not received anything but pampering, so training and socialization needed to be addressed seriously. And because after two months of battles, familiarization and hard work we started to really enjoy training with Zdravko, I can proudly write this blog today. I can write a story that brought me to Poland, to what I actually want to tell.

Šli smo torej po Tatjanino psičko. Med tem, ko sta onadva izbirala, sem jaz fotografirala. Zato sem bila tam, to je bila moja edina služba tisti vikend. Težko razložim, a pogled skozi objektiv mi daje nek občutek intimnosti. Zdi se mi, da v tistem okvirčku fotografiran objekt dojemam na nek drugačen način, da v nekem pravem trenutku ujamem bistvo oz. spoznam karakter fotografiranega. To pravzaprav dojemam šele sedaj, ko nekaj časa redno fotografiram naše treninge. Mogoče sem prav zato še toliko bolj vzljubila kinologijo… Fotografirala sem Tatjano in Zdravka, ko sta izbirala psičko in ko sem imela dovolj, sem fotografirala vse. V objektiv sem lovila sedem malih divjakov, ampak vedno znova sem se vračala k enemu. Tista štrleča ušesa in pokončen repek mi niso dali miru. Zdravko je psa opazoval že prej in mu je bilo hitro jasno, da se v moji glavi nekaj dogaja. Ne bom pozabila njegovih besed, ko je prišel do mene in vzel mladička v naročje: "Kaj je mala, si se zatrapala?" Mislim, da sem iz sebe spravila samo na pol slišen "Mhm...".

So we went to pick Tatjana's puppy. While the two of them were choosing, I was taking photos. That was my only job for the weekend. It's hard to explain, but a look through the lens gives me a certain feeling of intimacy. Inside the frame I perceive a photographed object differently. When I catch the right moment I capture the essence or I meet the character of the photographed. Actually I realised that after I've been regulary shooting out trainings for some time. Maybe that's the reason for my growing enthusiasm of cynology... I photographed Tatjana and Zdravko, while they were choosing a puppy and whet I felt I had enough, I started to photograph everything. I chased seven vivid puppies, but I kept comming back to one. I couldn't stop thinking about those protruding ears and uprtight tail. Zdravko, who noticed the puppy earlier, quickly realized what's going on in my mind. I'll never forget his words when he came to me and took the puppy in his arms: "What's up sweety? You fell for it, didn't you?" I think all I managed to say was a muffled "Mhm...".

Bila je sobota in ker je bilo treba s kužki še k veterinarju, sem se morala odločiti med tem, ko smo pili kavo. V bistvu sem bila odločena že pri tistem "Mhm...", ampak sem potrebovala malo potuhe. Odločilni "Ja!" je padel potem, ko je Zdravko rekel, da če ne bo šlo, lahko pride pes k njemu. Ko je oče zbolel, sem se namreč za nekaj časa vrnila domov. In tokrat nisem imela časa za dolgo pregovarjanje z mamo... Lahko si predstavljate šok, ko sem v nedeljo ob polnoči odprla vrata avtomobila z besedami: "Mami, nekaj ti moram pokazat."

It was saturday and we had to take the puppies to a vet, so I had to decide while we were drinking coffee. In fact, I was more or less determined at "Mhm...", but I needed a little connivance. Decisive "Yes!" fell after Zdravko said that if does not work, the dog can stay with him. Acctually, after my father became ill, I moved back home for a while. And this time a long persuasion wasn't an option... You can imagine the shock at midnight on Sunday night, when I opened the door of my car saying: "Mom, I have something to show you."

O tem bi lahko napisala neskončno besed, ampak današnja zgodba je pravzaprav čisto preprosta. Po prvem šoku je mamo s tistim iskrivim pogledom osvojil tudi moj prvi malinois Kelt (Celt Marshall Dogs) in tako sta danes pri hiši dva psa. Splet okoliščin in tista otroška želja sta me pripeljala v svet kinologije. Začela sem delati tisto, kar sem potrebovala in si želela. Rada sem imela prvega psa, ker je bil prvi. Rada imam tega, ki ga šolam zdaj, ker ga res dobro poznam. Rada imam tistega, ki se je popolnoma nepričakovano pripeljal z menoj domov, ker sem ga ujela v objektiv. Obstaja. Ljubezen na prvi pogled.

I could write about this endlessly, but in fact, today's story is quite simple. After the initial shock, my first malinois Kelt (Celt Marshall Dogs) charmed my mom with his sparkling look and so we now have two dogs. A combination of circumstances and that children's desire brought me into the world of cynology. I started to do what I needed and wanted. I loved my first dog, because he was my first. I love the one I'm training now, because I truly know him. I love the one that I unexpectedly brought home with me, because I cought him inside a frame. It exists. Love at first sight. 

Eva Klepec

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